Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today I saw a Bald Eagle

Ugh. Today I had an Orgo exam... we'll see if I passed... eek

AND I had a riding lesson!!! It was awesome although I wasn't riding Leroy. Julia was and she enjoyed my pony :)

More about Leroy!
We're totally in love. He's 16.3 hh, and an off the track thoroughbred, although he was probably the worst racehorse EVER!!! Soo lazy.


We had his and my first show together on Saturday and we got a 3rd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th. Not bad for our first time out!!
He's a total weirdo, like me. He most definitely hydrophilic (bio term, look it up) and he puts most of his face in his water and when he's in the field he puts his feet in the water buckets. The field one is less cute because then the buckets break and I get charged for them :/

I spent the rest of my day working on a puzzle and ignoring school. 
Oh, and then had L word and beers with Katelyn in the hammock nook. Claire P visited but was quickly overwhelmed...
It's hopefully going to become a frequent happening, so good.

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