Wednesday, September 29, 2010

oh, the huMANity!

I'm in this class called Women in Science. I don't know what I really expected the class to be like, but thus far, for various reasons, it's been a bit of a let-down.

Not only that... but the professor who teaches the class seems to miss the mark a little bit when he is trying to get a class made up primarily of women fired up and discussing. I am in no way trying to say that a man can't teach a women's studies-esque class, but this is an example of one thing in which he misses the mark.

"The United Kingdom? Why isn't it called a Queendom? Or what about a chairman? What if it is a woman? Why is she still sometimes called a chairman?"

I don't know, dude. Honestly, I don't really care. I don't have enough time, with all the other things I think about to care about that non-issue.

Its like asking me to get upset over the fact that we are humans. I think that this professor is not only perpetuating negative ideals of feminism to the students in the class that may be uninformed, to think that he can get a class riled up over something that is so stupid, he must subscribe to those negative ideals himself a little bit to think that women even give a fuck about something so trivial.

To me feminism is about finding a philosophy of self-empowerment for yourself. And becoming more confident in yourself and what you're doing. It's not about getting mad at the world and becoming confrontational. That's not a good way to get people to listen to what you're saying. 

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