Wednesday, September 29, 2010

oh, the huMANity!

I'm in this class called Women in Science. I don't know what I really expected the class to be like, but thus far, for various reasons, it's been a bit of a let-down.

Not only that... but the professor who teaches the class seems to miss the mark a little bit when he is trying to get a class made up primarily of women fired up and discussing. I am in no way trying to say that a man can't teach a women's studies-esque class, but this is an example of one thing in which he misses the mark.

"The United Kingdom? Why isn't it called a Queendom? Or what about a chairman? What if it is a woman? Why is she still sometimes called a chairman?"

I don't know, dude. Honestly, I don't really care. I don't have enough time, with all the other things I think about to care about that non-issue.

Its like asking me to get upset over the fact that we are humans. I think that this professor is not only perpetuating negative ideals of feminism to the students in the class that may be uninformed, to think that he can get a class riled up over something that is so stupid, he must subscribe to those negative ideals himself a little bit to think that women even give a fuck about something so trivial.

To me feminism is about finding a philosophy of self-empowerment for yourself. And becoming more confident in yourself and what you're doing. It's not about getting mad at the world and becoming confrontational. That's not a good way to get people to listen to what you're saying. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

That is a dead squirrel

Ok so.... the past couple of weeks there as been an adolescent squirrel living in a cardboard box in my backyard and it's been cared for by some girls who live across the street.

I'm pretty sure its dead.

This afternoon Katelyn and I looked outside and it was laying on its side in the rain... the consensus was that if it wasn't dead it at least LOOKED like a dead squirrel.

It obviously shouldn't have been left out in the rain, how is a wild animal supposed to survive a rain storm with only a cardboard box and some towels to keep it warm and dry?

Too sardonic?

While Katelyn and I were discussing our options (tiny tux... squirrel sized coffins....) the roommate came over with an umbrella. They then ferried what looked like water to and from the squirrel (keep in mind it was raining... I doubt dehydration was a big concern) and they eventually left with the squirrel in a bigger, dry box. I still think it looked dead but I will admit I only trust my abilities to call it on squirrels when they are in the middle of the road and looking a little more 2D.

I guess what I have to say about this is.... girls across the street, can you come get the wet cardboard box full of squirrel feces and wet towels out of our backyard?




I think I should highlight the semester thus far

Seeing as this blog is supposed to be about shenanigans... I'm going to highlight a few... in a very obscure and abstract way to protect the innocent involved.

You don't even live here!!

Go sleep in the booknook

And we're the three best friends that anyone could have!


Hammock fail

Don't go to Goodyear!
.... I went to Goodyear....

The Phantom Gay goes to Crazy Town

yes, that's a Farmville Slurpee cup


Ima get my dick wet!

Get outta here.

It's contagious


This isn't really about shenanigans... I just like it because it is the essence of my wonderful home

I am so totally pleased with myself

Yesterday was the first horse show of the season at Penn State (woo 4:30 am alarm!)

annnnddd I pointed up into Open Flat!! Which means I'm going to be competing at Regionals!! Which means I could end up at Zones or Nationals!!!

Everyone on the team did a fabu job yesterday, especially since we got second place team without our coach even being there! That was definite teamwork, it was an amazing experience.

Oh! Here is a picture of the horse I rode:

and me!!

Freshies: great job at your first show yesterday, I know it can be an intimidating experience, but it's totally worth it to stick with it!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today is Sunflower Day!!!

I'm going to talk about sunflowers. I'm obsessed with them. They may possibly be the best, most beautiful flowers that I've ever seen.

We've always grown them at my house... well these days they grow themselves. I don't think we planted them the last couple of years, they just pop up on their own!!
I think it's the orange and yellow color scheme that makes me feel so warm, but I also love the deep wine red sunflowers.

I took this, my favorite part is the blue tones in the seeds

Sunflowers are the state flower of Kansas, I wish they were the state flower of Maryland... that would be awesome.

It has a hat!!!

Click on the absolutely cay-ute komodo dragon for more!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today I saw a Bald Eagle

Ugh. Today I had an Orgo exam... we'll see if I passed... eek

AND I had a riding lesson!!! It was awesome although I wasn't riding Leroy. Julia was and she enjoyed my pony :)

More about Leroy!
We're totally in love. He's 16.3 hh, and an off the track thoroughbred, although he was probably the worst racehorse EVER!!! Soo lazy.


We had his and my first show together on Saturday and we got a 3rd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th. Not bad for our first time out!!
He's a total weirdo, like me. He most definitely hydrophilic (bio term, look it up) and he puts most of his face in his water and when he's in the field he puts his feet in the water buckets. The field one is less cute because then the buckets break and I get charged for them :/

I spent the rest of my day working on a puzzle and ignoring school. 
Oh, and then had L word and beers with Katelyn in the hammock nook. Claire P visited but was quickly overwhelmed...
It's hopefully going to become a frequent happening, so good.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My First Post

My first post is going to be dedicated to squirrel girl

It's a song I wrote at dinner today, to a quite popular tune

It's a squirrel in a box!
Step One
Put a towel in a box
Step Two
Put a squirrel in that bo-ox!
Step Three
Feed the squirrel in the box!
It's a squirrel in a box.

Have a nice evening