Sunday, October 3, 2010

Being Invisible in Love

Friday was Free Hugs Day at Dickinson, which I participated in. The event was in celebration of October being LGBT History month. As I stood on Britton Plaza holding my "Free Hugs" sign I figured out what it was like to be invisible.

People streamed around me avoiding my looking at me because they were too uncomfortable in their own skins to hug a stranger, or to even tell that stranger that "No thank you"

Some people didn't want to hug someone they didn't know, I understand that. And I have a lot of respect for those that looked at me and said "no thanks", it's polite.

Other than this observation, Free Hugs was awesome. I got so many hugs! Big hugs, little hugs, short hugs, long hugs, running hugs, picking up hugs. So much love on Dickinson Campus.

This was funny.... for the beginning of the event there was this older gentleman on the other side of Britton Plaza handing out free Bibles. I got a hug from us... but I think he was not able to comprehend the acronyms QSA or LGBT. If he had I don't know if he would have gotten a hug... love IS contagious you know.

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