Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A list of Comedies you should watch before you die - from Cracked

Meet the parents...every boyfriends worst nightmare.  CHECK!

Meet the Fockers...every newlyweds worst nightmare.

Accepted...where college aint' all that. CHECK!

American Pie (Only 1)..boobs, cursing, life lessons, and pie sex, what can go wrong?

Anchorman...stupidity at a new level. CHECK!

Austin Power series ...a man with bad teeth saves the world from himself and ridiculous characters. CHECK!

Blades of Glory...where ice skating isn't gay. CHECK!

Borat..."I have a sexy time with my sister".

Clerks 1 and 2...The movie where we learned never to go ass to mouth.

Dodgeball...never touch ben stiller's balls. CHECK!

Eurotrip...The movie that inspired us to move to Amersterdam...club Vandersexx. CHECK!

Harold and Kumar go to white castle...they rode a cheetah in this movie so it's badass.

Harold and Kumar go to G-Bay.."Are you boys ready for your cockmeat sandwhich?".

Jackass 1 and 2...watching idiots get hurt makes us laugh. CHECK!

Knocked Up...Just the image of Seth Rogen as a father is comical. CHECK!

Let's go to prison...every white man's worst nightmare.

Mr. Deeds..."I like feet". CHECK!

Old School...Who hasn't heard of ear muffs? CHECK!

Shallow Hal...ugly guys expectations are way too high.

Shawn of the Dead...zombie+comedy=AWESOME. CHECK!

Starsky and Hutch...why is this on here? This movie blowed. Don't see it.

Step-Brothers..."I'm gonna put my ballsack on your drumset!!!". CHECK!

Superbad...every teenager thoughts about pokin' the hot girl..."Fogel, shut the fuck up and take off the vest, you look like alladin". CHECK!

Talladega Nights...A redneck/advertising extravaganza. CHECK!

Tropic Thunder...Robert Downy Jr. as a black dude...should we say more?

Waiting...The first movie where they have a "game" showing each other their junk.

Walk Hard..."You don't want any of this shit dewey!". CHECK!

Zohan...He made the world silky smooth...with his penis.

Mrs. Doubtfire...A man dressed up as a woman to secretly spend time with his kids, at his divorced wife's house, against court orders in the least creepy/non-illegal way imaginable. CHECK!

The Mask...Jim Carrey at his best with something hot to look at(Cameron Diaz).

Big Daddy...He named his 5 year old kid Frankenstien. CHECK!

The Big Lebowski...it's got bowling.

The Cable Guy...The first stalker comedy.

Dumb and Dumber...It makes the town of Aspen looks like a criminal haven...white people are sneeky.

Happy Gilmore...showed the world that golf is for pussays.

Liar, Liar...Don't lie or you'll have to kick your own ass. CHECK!

Office Space...every man's dream to have sex with Jennifer Anniston and steal money from you company.

Tommy Boy...a fat man never lets an audience down.

The Truman Show...the sad part is, after watching this movie, you look in your closet to see if there's any hidden cameras.

Airplane..."Don't call me sherley".


A Christmas Story...a little boy's quest to shoot up the neighborhood!

Fast Times at Ridgemont High...watching a high school girl blow a carrot could never be so hot.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off....where cutting school makes someone badass. CHECK!

Porkys..."There was a mole on the tip of the Penis!".

The Princess Bride...ANDRE THE GIANT AHHHHH!!!! CHECK!

Spaceballs..."I bet she gives great helmet".

This is Spinal Tap..."Lets go to 11..not 10, but 11".

Animal House...old school, but funnier.

Blazing Saddles...mel brooks at his best. CHECK!

Ace Ventura 1 and 2...Movies about finding a bat and dolphin doesn't sound funny, but is.

40 Year old Virgin..."Your putting the pussy on a pedestal".

It's a mad mad mad mad world...National treasure with a comedic twist.

The Hangover...where air-jacking off a baby is funny, not creepy. CHECK!

Little Miss Sunshine..."Fuck alatta women, fuck em all". CHECK!

Mallrats..."She's got three nippples!".

Jay and Silent Bob series...Kevin Smith and his monkey.

Whatever Works...A 65 year old bangin' a 20 year old with satire mixed in-have fun!

Orange County...Jack black in tighty whities fuckin up his brothers life.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall...having your ex screw a british rock star sucks. CHECK!

Year One...Never eat the forbidden fruit.

Wedding Crashers...those women are just looking for some attention.

The Girl Next Door...yes i do date a pornstar!

Theres Something about Mary...what's wrong with semen used as hair gel?

What about Bob?...Showing that Physciatrists are the ones that are insane.

Dogma...Wait, GOD is a Girl!? What?!!! CHECK!

Zoolander...male modeling isn't gay, it's a great way to hook up with women.

Team America...F** YEAH!! CHECK!

South Park...damn Canadiens. CHECK!

The Royal Tanenbaums...a more disfunctional family than the brady bunch.

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou...we do it underwata!

Super Troopers...maybe cops aren't complete dicks.

I didn't do too badly :)
Lemme know if you want to watch something I haven't seen!!

Cracked.com Article

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I may have gotten Leroy a blanket that matches one of my jackets.... LOVE IT!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

probably for the best

umm... good?

but.... does this mean that Amazon is taking away someone's right to free speech? Or does Amazon have a right to control the content that it sells to the public.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I saw a lot of things this weekend.... but one thing I saw was the most awkward date ever.

I was sitting in a restaurant with some lovely ladies on Saturday night and the next table over there was this couple... well I won't call them a couple. That would imply some sort of connection existing between them. There was a man and a woman sitting at a dinner table. And it was soooo awkward.

The man was a kinda nerdy looking guy and the woman he was with looked... well... she seemed out of his league. He was chattering away at her too... I didn't really hear her ever respond to him. Because she was reading a book. In a restaurant. On a date. Kinda bitchy? I think yes.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's been a while

Hey internet,
It's been a while since you've heard from me. I've had some really thought provoking experiences lately. It's really been hit home for me how my actions affect other people, I feel I've really had some personal growth. I'm going to work hard so that in the future I can look back on this time of my life and feel proud of myself. When I look back on these days, I will have become the person that I want to be, and I'm going to be really happy and content.
I only hope that I can inspire others to take this challenge with me, and be thoughtful, self critical, hardworking and reflective, so that you can make your future selves proud.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


(610): I think I'm about to go engage in vandalism

(443): Oh no!!! Do it.


(610): Oh. My. God. 

(443): We're microwaving bubble wrap to see what happens. 


(610): Uhhhh... Bad news bears.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ideals vs. Ideas

I was thinking today about how a person can have really good ideals, but can have really bad ideas.

For example, you can really care about a issue but if you don't work toward resolution in the correct way, you can really turn off people who would otherwise love to join you and help you.

Train of thought.... gone.

oh well
maybe I can come back with more later.